Every beautiful Chinese name has a meaning behind it. My full name is Teng Hui Jiang. It means to be successful and have a long goal in my life. My parents want me to get success and have a good future. When I was growing up I asked my mother how does my name came from, then she said; According to our family history book in your generation, if you are male, your name must be Teng something, If you are female, must be Yan something. She also said that when my grandfather thinking a name for you he come up a Chinese idiom that says ‘’ Fei Huang Teng Da’’.After I heard what my mother said, I tried to find out what it means. It means to be suceessful.The character Fei means fly. When people want to do something successfully, they must have a long view of their dream and they have to fly higher. The character Huang means yellow. In Chinese history, people always think that yellow symbolized that king’s color and to be a winner. The character Teng and Da means rich and stable. In Chinese, the pronunciation between fei and hui are little bit similar, so my grandfather took hui to replace fei. That made my name Jiang Teng Hui. In Chinese, we put the last name in front, so that it was how it was created. I feel very thankful that my parents gave me a such as a beautiful name with a lot meaning. I love my name and I miss my childhood.